Thankful for Family

The Angel family all started here, in Rock Hill South Carolina. Over the years, my sisters have moved and traveled up and down the coast. I am so thankful that over the holidays, no matter how busy we become, we always find our way back home.

These two girls are my heart and soul, Jana and Savannah. We may not see each other often, but when we do, the Angel girls are unstoppable. Being the second born, I am always caught in the ‘middle’ but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I am grateful for so much this year. This was the first time I could stay home through the holidays and I am so happy to spend it with everyone I love, from my parents to my puppies. Enjoying home-cooked meals and catching up with my grandmother are times I treasure. I can’t wait to come back for Christmas!

Thanksgiving on the Rocks


Having moved farther away from home, the holidays have become even more special this season. Luckily, I had just 48 hours to hop down to my hometown just in time for some family fun!


I couldn’t wait to join my loved ones at the lake. It was so great to see my sisters and parents, but no trip would be complete without my puppies! My mom proudly showed off her new water features, as more family trickled in.


After everyone’s arrival, we were all treated to a fabulous lakeside lunch. I was thankful to share some sweet tea and sunshine with my sisters. The highlight was listening to my Gramie’s silly stories as the sun set.


And no great day is complete without the perfect ensemble. I stayed warm on this windy day, outfitted in my Burberry poncho and my luxe leather accessories gidled with gold accents. What a wonderful time to wish you all Happy Fall!

Riding Boots: Naturalizer  .  Burberry Style Poncho: Burberry

Accessories: Vintage .  Jeans: Vineyard Vines

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Family and Friendsgiving


This year I am thankful I was able to spend Thanksgiving with both friends and family, and have some seriously fabulous food.

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The Palm Avenue ladies and I hosted our first ‘Friendsgiving’ and I must say, we were beyond proud of our holiday spread. This was also my first time tracking down a turkey, but after all the trouble,  it certainly made a great centerpiece. Each girl brought their best traditional dish to the table, from hush puppy stuffing to momma’s mac and cheese.


Just when I thought we were all stuffed, there was still just a smidgen of space for dessert. Of course I had to make my famous Pilgrim Hat Cookies, a festive reincarnation of the with hat cookies featured in my previous posts.


The best part had to be spending the holiday with my fabulous family. My Gramie hosted the gathering at her house in my hometown of Rock Hill, and we all left with full hearts and full bellies!

Hostesses: Kristen Kutchey and Peggy Angel           Pilgrim Hat Cookies: The Prep In Pink

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